Shop Miles Chemical Solutions Powder Coating Strippers-Removers & Stripping Chemical Products Online Store!
Remove Powder Coat Paint!
Remove Powder Coating Safely at Room Temperature with NO METHYLENE CHORIDE!
Will not burn your skin upon accidental contact!
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Commercial, Industrial, Residential, (no P.O. Boxes)

Miles Chemical Solutions© was founded in 1997. Shortly thereafter, in 1999, mileschemicalsolutions.com/ was published online for buyers to easily purchase safer, Non-Methylene Chloride Powder Coating Strippers-Removers & Stripping Chemicals.
Miles Chemical Solutions© offers a complete online store for the Finishing Industry, Powder Coating Custom Coaters, and Consumers to buy paint & powder coating strippers-removers to clean paint and powder from hooks, racks & fixtures as well as reclaim valuable finishing rework in-house daily.